Welcome to The Plantation.

A community of 34 Span houses, set in its own grounds in South East London.


The Plantation is composed of 34 Span type T7 and T8 houses, spread amongst superb landscaped gardens and set back some distance from the road. There is also a children’s play area for exclusive use of the residents. The houses at The Plantation were designed by the architect Eric Lyons, one the most celebrated of British architects of the 20th century.

It is situated within the Blackheath Cator Estate (BCER). The estate is run by The Plantation (Blackheath) Limited, a company exclusively made up of Plantation home-owners. Its Annual General Meeting elects Board members (Directors) who manage the company. To achieve its goals and legal responsibilities, the Company raises its income from monthly maintenance payments. The Plantation's financial year runs from 1st July to 30th June.